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Nikon Z8 Vs. Nikon Z9 Specifications Comparison

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Nikon Rumors listed the specifications comparison of upcoming Nikon Z8 with the current Nikon Z9. The full frame mirrorless camera now officially announced. will be officially announced on May 10th. The Nikon Z8 will be available from late May with a recommended price of $3999. Check availability at Adorama, B&HPhoto, Amazon.

Nikon Z8 seems to have inherited many of the specifications from Nikon Z9, including AF, continuous shooting speed, no mechanical shutter, and a 4-axis tilt monitor, so it certainly seems like a mini Z9-like camera.

From the list, you can see the Nikon Z8 will be a mini Nikon Z9:

Nikon Z8 Vs. Nikon Z9 Specifications Comparison

Nikon Z8 Nikon Z9
Sensor 45.7MP (stacked) 45.7MP (stacked)
ISO Lo1, 64-25,600, Hi 2 Lo1, 64-25,600, Hi 2
File formats RAW (including high efficiency), JPEG, HEIF 10-bit) RAW (including high efficiency), JPEG
AF points and coverage 493 points, 90% × 90% coverage area 493 points, 90% × 90% coverage area
AF detection range EV -7 to 19/EV -9.0 with starlight view EV -7 to 19/EV -9.0 with starlight view
Subject detection People (upper body, head, face, eye), animals (dog, cat, bird), vehicles (car, bike, bicycle, train, airplane), dedicated airplane People (upper body, head, face, eye), animals (dog, cat, bird), vehicles (car, bike, bicycle, train, airplane),
AF modes Pinpoint (in photo mode only), single-point, dynamic-area (S, M, L; in photo mode only), wide-area (S, L, C1, C2), auto-area AF, 3D-tracking (in photo mode only), subject-tracking AF (in video mode only) Pinpoint (in photo mode only), single-point, dynamic-area (S, M, L; in photo mode only), wide-area (S, L, C1, C2), auto-area AF, 3D-tracking (in photo mode only), subject-tracking AF (in video mode only)
AF speed Slow, normal, fast Slow, normal, fast
Continuous shooting 20 fps, High-Speed Frame Capture+ (30fps/ 120 fps in JPEG only, Pre-Release Capture) 20 fps, High-Speed Frame Capture+ (30fps/ 120 fps in JPEG only, Pre-Release Capture)
In-body VR 5-axis image sensor shift 5-axis image sensor shift
VR effect Up to 6.0 stops (Synchro VR) Up to 6.0 stops (Synchro VR)
Battery life 275 shots (CFexpress Type B, EN-EL15c) 700 shots (CFexpress Type B, EN- EL18d)
Shutter range 1/32000 to 30s, up to 900s, electronic shutter 1/32000 to 30s, up to 900s, electronic shutter
Portrait impression balance Yes No
Skin softening Yes No
High-frequency flicker reduction Yes Yes
Preset white balance w/smaller area Yes Yes
USB charging Yes Yes
USB terminal for com Yes No
LAN terminal No Yes
10-pin terminal Yes Yes
Synchro terminal No Yes
LCD screen 3.2-in. 2100k dot vertical/horizontal 4-axis tilting 3.2-in. 2100k dot vertical/horizontal 4-axis tilting
EVF 3690k-dot OLED (high brightness 3000cd/m2), Lo1, Lo2 3690k-dot OLED (high brightness 3000cd/m2), Lo1, Lo2
Warm display colors Yes Yes
Button illumination Yes Yes
Sensor shield Yes Yes
Sensor dual coating Yes Yes
VR lock Yes Yes
Memory set and recall function expansion Yes Yes
Motion blend Yes Yes
Prioritize viewfinder monitor mode for D-SLR-like shooting flow Yes Yes
Prefer sub-selector center Yes Yes
Recalling shooting functions Yes Yes
Counter display in bulb/time Yes Yes
Switching between focusing and control ring Yes Yes
Viewfinder refresh rate 120 fps, 60 fps 120 fps, 60 fps
Memory cards CFexpress Type B (XQD) + SD (UHS-II) CFexpress Type B (XQD) × 2
Network Wi-Fi (2.4GHz, 5GHz)/BT/USB-LAN Wi-Fi (2.4GHz, 5GHz)/BT/LAN/GPS
SnapBridge 8-MP image transfer Yes Yes
Voice memo mic No Yes
HDMI out 10 bit 10 bit
Dust and drip resistantance Same as the D850 Same as the D6

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