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Panasonic S1 vs Sony A7 III Size Comparison

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Here are several size comparison images of the Panasonic S1 vs Sony A7 III cameras. Optyczne published several pictures of the new Panasonic S1 full frame mirrorless camera next to the current Sony A7 III.

The Panasonic ​S1 features a 24MP megapixel full frame image sensor and a new Venus image processing engine that supports 4K 60p/50p video recording. Panasonic full frame camera specs also includes Dual I.S. image stabilisation, a double slot for XQD memory cards and SD memory cards, and a triaxial tilt LCD screen.

According to the newly announced L-mount Alliance, Panasonic are using the Leica L-Mount standard for the S1R and S1 cameras. Global release date for Panasonic S1 is early 2019. Panasonic S1 is a direct competitor to the Sony A7 III and the Nikon Z6. Here are the Panasonic S1 vs Sony A7 III size comparison images. Check out all the Photokina 2018 news.

Panasonic S1 vs Sony A7 III Size Comparison Images