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Canon 77D vs Canon 80D Comparison

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Here is a quick comparison table of the Canon 77D vs Canon 80D mid-range DSLR cameras with APS-c sized image sensors.

The new EOS 77D has a position above the Canon’s Rebel line of entry-level DSLRs and below the mid-level EOS 80D. It features a 24.2MP sensor with Dual Pixel autofocus and updated Digic 7 processor. The specs list include a 45-point all-cross-type AF system and 7650-pixel RGB+IR metering system.

The Canon EOS 80D features a 24.2 megapixel CMOS sensor powered by DIGIC 6 processor. Alongside the 45 all cross-type point AF system it has native ISO 100-16,000 range and fast 7fps burst shooting.

Specifications comparison of the Canon 77D vs Canon 80D Cameras

Canon 77D vs Canon 80D Comparison

Below you can see the specifications comparison table of Canon 77D vs Canon 80D cameras. Some differences like sensor, image size, shooting speed, lcd size etc.. detailed as bold on the table.

Feature Canon 77D Canon 80D
Effective Megapixels 24.2-Megapixels 24.2-Megapixels
Sensor type / size APS-C – 22.5 x 15 mm APS-C – 22.5 x 15 mm
Low pass filter Yes Yes
Image processor DIGIC 7 DIGIC 6
Image Stabilization No No
AF system 45 points (all points cross type) 45 points (all points cross type)
ISO 100-25600 100-25600
Max shutter speed 30 – 1/4000 30 – 1/8000
Continuous shooting speed 6fps 7 fps
Video Full HD 60fps Full HD 60fps
Display 3″ Rear Touchscreen Swivel LCD (1,040,000)
Viewfinder Optical Optical
Hot shoe Yes Yes
Wireless Wi-Fi Built-In Wi-Fi, NFC. Remote shooting
Environmentally sealed  No Yes
Battery life 600 shots 960 shots
Dimensions 131.0 x 99.9 x 76.2 mm 139.0 x 105.2 x 78.5mm
Weight 540g 730g
Price $899 $1,099

As a verdict from the Canon 77D vs Canon 80D comparison, the photographers who are thinking about their savings but still require a marvelous camera then they can easily go with the Canon EOS 77D.