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Pentax K3 II vs Nikon D7200 Comparison

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Pentax K-3 II semi-pro DSLR camera with improved image stabilization system that drives a new Pixel Shift Resolution feature announced back in April, 2015.

Here is a quick review and comparison for the Pentax K3 II vs Nikon D7200 digital SLR cameras.

To see the difference between Pentax K3 II vs Nikon D7200 digital SLR cameras we have put together Pentax K3 II vs Nikon D7200 specs comparison table below.

Pentax K-3 II features an APS-C-size CMOS image sensor with approximately 24.35 effective megapixels; an AA-filter-free design for high-resolution image reproduction; a high-performance 27-point AF system; high-speed continuous shooting at approximately 8.3 images per second; and a dustproof, weather-resistant construction ideal for capturing shots outdoors.

Nikon D7200 provides a slightly improved 24.2 megapixel CMOS sensor with no optical low-pass filter powered by an EXPEED 4 image processor and comes with next-generation 51-point AF module with increased low-light sensitivity. The D7200 comes with built-in Wi-Fi with NFC and an improved 100-shot buffer depth when shooting JPEGs at 6 fps (18 14-bit or 27 12-bit Raw files).

Specifications Comparison of Pentax K3 II vs Nikon D7200 Cameras


Below you can see the specs comparison table of Pentax K3 II vs Nikon D7200 DSLR cameras. Some differences like sensor, image size, shooting speed, lcd size etc.. detailed as bold on the table.

Feature Pentax K-3 Nikon D7200
Sensor Resolution 24 MP 24 MP
Low-pass Filter No No
Sensor Size APS-c (23.5×15.6mm) APS-c (23.5×15.6mm)
Image Processor PRIME III Expeed 4
AF System Contrast Detect (sensor) + Phase Detect (Hybrid) Multi-CAM 3500DX II
AF Points 27 51
ISO 100-51200 100-102400
Shutter min/max 30-1/8000 sec 30-1/8000 sec
Continuous Shooting Speed 8.3 FPS 6 FPS
Video 1920 x 1080 (60i, 50i, 30, 25 24), 1280 x 720 (60, 50), 640 x 424 (30, 25) 1920 x 1080 (60, 50, 30, 25 24), 1280 x 720 (60, 50), 640 x 424 (30, 25)
Lcd 3.2″ Rear Screen LCD 1,024,000 dots 3.2″ Rear Screen LCD 1,229,000 dots
Viewfinder Optical Pentaprism 98% Optical Pentaprism 100%
Hot Shoe Yes Yes
Wi-Fi Optional Built-in with NFC
Battery Life 720 shots 1100 shots
Dimensions 131x 100x 77 mm 136 x 107 x 76 mm
Weight 800g 675g

As a verdict, we can say both cameras features the same aps-c sensor. Even both cameras look very identical when we look at the specifications list, Nikon D7200 provides advance AF system with better image quality.

Consider the price similarities we recommend you to go for the Nikon D7200 camera.

Pentax K-3 II DSLR Camera Price and Availability

The Pentax K-3 II will be available in May for $1099.95.

Buy Pentax K-3 II DSLR Camera
Pentax K-3 II Body-only $1,099.95 Amazon | Adorama

Nikon D7200 DSLR Camera Price and Availability

The Nikon D7200 is available body-only for $1,196.95, or with the AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR for $1,696.95.

Buy Nikon D7200 DSLR camera
Nikon D7200 Body Only $1,196.95 Amazon | Adorama
Nikon D7200 with AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR $1,696.95 Amazon | Adorama